"Community" - D & D

Started by Rico, February 06, 2011, 03:49:20 PM

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The NBC show "Community" is always funny - but last week's episode was especially great.  As someone who grew up playing a lot of tabletop Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, I loved this episode.  Even if you don't watch this show normally, you might want to check this episode out.  Pure awesome!   :metallica:

Hulu - Community: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - Watch the full episode now.



Quote from: X on February 06, 2011, 03:57:48 PM
Best episode yet.

Yeah - it was really great!  I've enjoyed this series a lot - never miss it.  The stop-motion animated Christmas episode was equally awesome.


This is one of my favorite shows on TV. It's my absolute fav comedy on the air right now.


I just joined a group of geeks and a good friend of mine to play in a bi monthly D & D game.  They were all talking about this episode, which aired on the first night we played.  I'm a level 8 Spellmage, named Zarathos Midraton.  Haven't played D&D since college, over twenty years.  The game is totally different than I remember but still fun.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


I played for a bit with a group back in Michigan on Thursday nights weekly for awhile in recent years.  But, I'm not a big fan of the newer versions of the game.  We would mix in some Battle Tech and other games too from time to time.  Many Thursdays turned into an excuse to drink some beer and just hang out.


Sorry its Swordmage, not Spellmage.  Spellmage would be redundant. 

My old game in college we did as you describe Ric, kind of winging it as we went along.  These guys now seem to be sticking to the rulebook pretty solidly, which is fine.  Problem is we don't have hours and hours so we can barely get through one encounter during a single play session.

"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


I know what you mean about time.  Back in the day when I first played in late high school and into college we would play all night sometimes.  Ahh, those were good times!  :)


I don't watch this series.. but have been told many times that I should.. that was a fun episode.. might have to pick this series up.