Ron Moore's BSG Bible

Started by Rico, February 09, 2011, 02:17:04 PM

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A copy of Ron Moore's BSG Bible has popped up online.  A series bible typically gives info on the setting, characters, certain plot info, and other things.  These are given to writers so they know how and what to write about for the show.  Interesting reading.


Nice backstory material - thanks Rico

I've been watching the episodes again starting from the mini series, this time with a twist.
Imagine if you will, an older Sheridan in Command of the Omega Class Destroyer Prometheus. Loyal sot Garibaldi as XO and Susan "Starbuck" Ivanova ever at his side.
The station has been blown to smithereens and the shadows have them on the run.


That's very cool Rico!  Thanks for the link! :cylon


Indeed! Very cool, I think I'll throw it on my phone and have some reading for my flight on Saturday.


Interesting to see how Adama's background evolved when Caprica came out.