Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace in 3D

Started by Geekyfanboy, March 03, 2011, 10:30:39 AM

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Quote from: Bryancd on June 13, 2011, 06:19:58 AM
But Chris you are assuming he wants to be a filmmaker. I have always said he's really not a filmmaker at heart, he's a technocrat. He loves the technology much more then the creative process of filmmaking. That's where there's this disconnect with some fans. They want film content, new franchises. I don't think he has the slightest interest in that. Separate the creative process and the technical and then look at what Lucas is doing. It's very clear.
Well, to counter your point, if all he was interested in was pushing the technology, I'm sure that there are hundreds if not thousands of directors and wanna-be directors that would sell their souls for him to test out new tech with one of their features. I'm sure that he would even get some of his development costs covered if he did it that way. There are dozens of more cost efficient ways to test and develop the tech than the rinse and repeat of Star Wars.

Logistically speaking, he could get money pretty damned quick by testing it on other ventures. By testing it on Star Wars, he's pouring tons of cash and man hours into something that will not generate more revenue for research until he's done.

Now, let's assume you are 100% right about the technocrat part and that he does this to fund his next big innovation. Wouldn't it be easier and more cost effective to get paid by others to test your ideas out on their films? You aren't trying up your own resources, so you can actually add your on resources to that to push the envelope even further if you wanted.

The idea of tech for the sake of tech doesn't add up when there are ways to do that and still fund the projects.


I'd say that yes he is a technocrat, but he's also a control freak. He wouldn't want others to test out his tech, they'd do it wrong.


Quote from: X on June 13, 2011, 06:28:41 AM
There are dozens of more cost efficient ways to test and develop the tech than the rinse and repeat of Star Wars.

The idea of tech for the sake of tech doesn't add up when there are ways to do that and still fund the projects.

I don't think he is using STAR WARS to test new tech, I think he uses STAR WARS to FUND new tech, there's a difference. Also, as Joe points out, he is a control freak and very unlikely to go off on some massive collaborative effort as you suggest. You may see other avenue's he could go, but it's his party.


Here's the first poster for the re-release.. have to say I'm not a fan of it. :(


I think it's fine, Maul will be a big focus of this release along with his appearance in the Clone Wars at the end of Season 4, around the same time. Besides, 3D is a fade, it will never last... ;)


It doesnt matter how much you polish a turd ;)

Lol. Well we all know each others views on 3D (failing here by the way) but i will of course go and see it because at the end of the day even a crappy Star Wars is cool on the big screen. I'm sure the lightsaber battles and pod race will (if it works) look great.


I'm really looking forward to this and all of the others (if they come). I'm not a Menace hater and I am really intrigued to see what kind of job Lucasfilm does on the 3D. If it doesn't look right from Lucasfilm, 3D will probably never look right ever!

Come on. It's another chance to see Star wars on the big screen!! :)


From the looks off the poster, would say they are highlighting the Pod race, so I am guessing it will look great in 3D. Everyone has such dour looks on their faces, if R2 had a face, it would have that same solemn look to it also.



Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on October 13, 2011, 03:05:31 PM
It doesnt matter how much you polish a turd ;)
Depending on the turd and how you polish it, some can actually shine ... well according to all the hard work of the mythbusters.


....Well, I for one won't be putting that theory top the test!! :)



Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on October 15, 2011, 07:15:04 AM
This is me and i would say this to any TFM fan LOL ;)

Wow.. sometimes I just don't get British humor...


Do you know, I've not yet watched Spaced. I have seen about 2 or 3 episodes when it first aired and I remember not being overly impressed. But I didn't really know what it was supposed to be back then. Perhaps I'll get it better now I know where Simon Pegg is coming from.... I have been convinced by many people who's opinions I trust that it is the best comedy since....I don't know.....say...Drop Dead Fred!

I do own it though. I picked the complete boxset up for about £12 from Asda. I just need to actually sit and watch it...


Drop.....dead.....fred..... Me and you need to have a good chat when we meet up in October lol. Trust me you will love all the nods to films and the writing is just brilliant. If you like Shaun of the dead and Hot fuzz you will love Spaced.

Kenny the whole point of Tim (peggs character) is he feels betrayed by Lucas and that new viewers who's first film is TPM really like it. Its all done in humour. You realky should watch spaced its such a awesome programme. After that scene Tom gets rebuked by the owner who reminds him that every generation has a new film close to their heart.

On a personal note i do agree with Tim lol i went out with a girl who had a jar jar bag, nearly finished the relationship there and then.