Pet Peeves

Started by Geekyfanboy, March 03, 2011, 06:15:23 PM

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One of my biggest pet peeves are people who jump on the "I hate" bandwagon without actually seeing/reading/listening to the movie / TV show, books, music artist. I understand that you might not like that genre or topic but you really have no right to judge something unless you've actually read, listened or watched it.

Anyways what's your pet peeves?


Hypocrisy. That one burns my biscuit big time.


How people sometimes give more weight to thier opinions while placing less value on that of others.


Quote from: X on March 03, 2011, 06:35:27 PM
How people sometimes give more weight to thier opinions while placing less value on that of others.

Hmmm I think he's directing that at you and I Bryan.. :)


LOL! Actually I posted that not even thinking about the other threads. And I don't think Chris means it that way, he's equally opinionated and strong willed and I don't think, he is a equally as committed to his point of view, more power to him. :)

Besides, if he did mean it that way he would be a hypocrite and I know he is not.


Quote from: Bryancd on March 03, 2011, 06:42:40 PM
LOL! Actually I posted that not even thinking about the other threads. And I don't think Chris means it that way, he's equally opinionated and strong willed and I don't think, he is a equally as committed to his point of view, more power to him. :)

Besides, if he did mean it that way he would be a hypocrite and I know he is not.

LOL.. I was joking.. we can all be very passionate about the things we love.


LOL! This most assuredly wasn't about the other threads. I think Bryan summed it up best. We are all pretty opinionated come hell or high water. I like that! What I don't like is people who think that their opinion should could for more by virtue of them giving it. There are plenty of cases where one opinion might have more weight than another opinion because of subject matter. I'm talking about those people who know that they are right in every conversation even with subjects that they are clueless about.


People who are close minded and unwilling to defend their position reasonably.  

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


I'm with Kenny and X, I think. I'd sum up my feeling as:

"People who attack other perople or things from a lofty position of ignorance."

I'm not saying I never do it, mind you, just that I don't like it wen I see it from others. I'm sure I have a really big blind spot when it comes to seeing such things in my own character.

(I'm also sure I should have come up with something a little more light hearted)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Yeah, I really hate arrogance, people judging things, activities or others as "below them" and valuing their opinions (however uninformed) above those of others.

Sadly there are some people like this I have to deal with on a regular basis. I try and take them with a grain of salt and understand that if we get into a conversation, it will be a one way exchange.


You know, feeling your opinion is 100% correct above all others is a very human thing. It's what makes us...well, us, but also what takes us to war more often than not. X, you and I've had "head bumping" sessions quite a lot, but ultimately I respect you and your opinions. I like a good "joust" from time to time!!

I guess my biggest pet peeve revolves around people doing BAD and STUPID things in the name of God. For example that lovely church that pickets soldiers funerals and shouts nasties like, God HATES you! God HATES soldiers...that sort of crap. OR, the ones that say horrible illnesses like AIDS and HIV are Gods punishment on us for living sinful lives. Who are THEY to judge anything? MY God doesn't HATE ANYONE. He even loved Satan...Christ hung out with TAX COLLECTORS!! I just cannot abide those who will judge against others for their lives or who they choose to love/be with, without looking at themselves first.  "Judge NOT...lest YE be judged". Not just a bumper sticker motto folks. "You will be judged by the measure you judge others".

Sorry to make this one so bummerfied. I've only had one cup of Starbucks! :) Peace out brothers (and sisters)!


I have so many pet peeves I could probably write a novel.  But one of the biggest that jumped into my mind...

I can't stand bullies.

When someone picks on someone else they perceive as weak, or not as smart as them, it just burns me up.  Maybe I'm more sensitive to it because I was bullied a little bit as a child, but I still see it going on all the time.  Generally it's a more passive/aggressive thing as people age out of the schoolyard but it still pisses me off none the less.  I try to point it out when I see it because often times even the bullies don't realize what they're doing.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Here's some more:

People who drive with their turn signal on for 50 miles on the turnpike.

People with those stupid plastic hats that hold beer cans on either side with straws coming out of each

People who take up two or more parking spots with their gigantic SUVs

People who park in handicapped spots without a visible or noticable handicap

Resturaunts that charge full price for refills on fountain sodas

People that each sushi with their fingers

Judgemental people.  Those people are dumb! ;)

TV shows that start two minutes before the hour or end two minutes after and screw up my DVR

Web services like WebSense(tm) that block all the video game sites from my work computer

People that take perverse pleasure in the misery or misfortunes of others

The way my wife haphazardly shoves things in cabinets, closets, and the freezer so they fall on my head when I open them

People that try to force me to dance at events or parties

I could go on and on, maybe I will do more later

"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


people who say "Star trek? Isn't that for geeks?"
fact is, it isn't. just ask my 6th grade math teacher.
though yes most geeks love it
geeks are not the only people who do


Quote from: Jobydrone4of20 on March 04, 2011, 07:23:26 AM
I have so many pet peeves I could probably write a novel.  But one of the biggest that jumped into my mind...

I can't stand bullies.

When someone picks on someone else they perceive as weak, or not as smart as them, it just burns me up.  Maybe I'm more sensitive to it because I was bullied a little bit as a child, but I still see it going on all the time.  Generally it's a more passive/aggressive thing as people age out of the schoolyard but it still pisses me off none the less.  I try to point it out when I see it because often times even the bullies don't realize what they're doing.
Joby...totally agree with you. In fact, I was a bully of bullies in high school. I'm a...well, larger than average person. I was an athlete most of my life, but not the stereotypical athlete. I do now, and have always despised bullies. In fact, most of my friends thoughout school were what others commonly referred to as nerds.