New Series from DC! "DC Universe Online Legends"

Started by WillEagle, March 05, 2011, 08:04:26 AM

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It would be cool if they took some of the player characters from the online game and featured them in this comic, maybe through contests or rewards for taking down the top raid bosses or something.  It would be an amazing way to spur some interest in the game which probably suffered tremendously during the Sony network downtime last month.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


That would be cool. If they have done it I don't know because I don't know every DC Character. But the last issue did have some new characters in it but don't know if they came from the game.
Here is the latest issue #12. Cover is not as cool as some of the others. Also story not as strong in this. I give it a 7. Nice ad inside about the upcoming new Justice League series. Two pages with the new Justice League lineup. Here's the pic.


The latest 2 issues in this series were really good. Issue #13 I rate a 9 and issue #14 a 10! Awesome cliffhanger in issue #14. Firestorm and Captain Marvel show up in these last 2 issues. Tony Bedard wrote issue #14 and they seem to go back and forth on the writing. Issue #13 was written by Marv Wolfman. Love the cover art on these issues as well. Here is the pic of the issues.


#15 got delayed with the New 52 releases but it finally came out this past Wed. Really great cover to this issue by Mike Miller & Luis Gonzalez. If you want somebody mad at you it probably shouldn't be Superman!!
Great issue which I give a rating of 10!


This issue came out last week and the storyline has changed focus from the Justice League to the Green Lantern Corps covering the Sinestro Corps War. They did just come out with an expansion for the game based on the Sinestro Corps.
I rate this one a 9. Great cover by Doug Mahnke & Randy Mayor. And a new writer started in this issue, Tom Taylor. Check out the pic of issue #16!!


Another really good issue of this series. And another great cover. This I rated a 9!


Picked this up on Friday night along with Star Trek #3. And I found out that Friday night is not the best night to go to the comic shop. They were having "Magic" night or something and it was packed!
This issue gets back Marv Wolfman as writer ending the 2 part Brainiac Sinestro Core War books. Haven't read it yet but it does have a great cover by Howard Porter, Livesay & Antonio Fabela.


#18 was another good one. I rate it an 8. Picked up #19 just a short time ago. Haven't read it but it looks like its going to a good one!
A nice cover on this one by Mike S. Miller & Randy Mayor.


#19 was a good one and it gets a 9. Really good story. This is only supposed to go to 26 issues so it looks like next issue they get back to the timeframe of the earlier issues. Can't wait to read them.


Just read issue 20. Not as good as some of the others but I still rate it a 7.


Issue #21 gets a strong rating from me of a 9. Another great story from Marv Wolfman. And judging from the cover it doesn't seem like a fair fight. This series only has a few more issues #26 being the last.


Here are the last 2 issues of this series. I haven't read either of these yet. This series has had great cover art and it continued with these 2 issues. Only 3 issues left.


A really cool cover on issue #25!! I decided to wait and read the rest of the series after i get the last issue. This has been a really good series throughout and it is worth a pick up of the graghic novels if you have the chance too.


OK, the final issue has arrived. I picked this up Wed. at the comic shop and will be reading this starting with issue 22. As I mentioned in an earlier post I wanted to read the last few issues together. Looking foward to see how they end this series. And from the looks of the cover, Supes, looks pretty mad. Please tell me why would you make Superman mad, WHY! If he didn't have strong morals he could pulverize you! Check this out!