Charlie Sheen...

Started by Rico, March 06, 2011, 03:42:22 PM

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Quote from: Rico on March 06, 2011, 05:29:45 PM
Winning?  What is he winning??  The guy has had trouble with substance abuse for years.  Whether he continues to work in the entertainment doesn't really matter to me (as I said above).  A good actor?  Sorry, I've never seen that.
What isn't he winning? He's getting offered all sorts of deals. Made the Guinness Book. Had the 9 million viewers on the 20/20 special. As for his acting, I'm sorry you've never seen it as good, but I have and I find many of his films enjoyable.

Right now, he's clean. This is stuff he's doing while he's clean and people are flocking to it even if they don't agree. So, yes, he's winning. He's living the life that he wants and he's not apologizing for that. It must be liberating to be in a position to say "Screw everyone, I'm going to live my life to my rules."

Not many people can do that. Not that many people want to, but I know more than a few men that are a little envious at his home life.


LOL! He does get the chicks. I like him in his big films and even in the comedy films. He's not a great actor, but he is good one, IMO.



Firefighters are injured and killed in the line of duty every day and barely register a few lines in the local news....Charlie Sheen becomes a human train wreck and it's international news.  Welcome to Idiocracy.


Quote from: Pyrovile on March 06, 2011, 08:24:22 PM
Firefighters are injured and killed in the line of duty every day and barely register a few lines in the local news....Charlie Sheen becomes a human train wreck and it's international news.  Welcome to Idiocracy.
Thousands of people die every day and don't make the news. It's not Idiocracy, it's the news. When it isn't local, it's really not the important to other people around the country. If it was, it would be on the news. If we took one day to rmention all the people that die in a day, we'd never get caught up. The average is 1 person every 5 seconds. By the time you say a name and put it into context, you're going to be dozens of deaths behind.

Charlie Sheen is being quite entertaining and if they aren't showing it, their competition will. Even the news needs to pay the bills and that's how ratings get them paid.

It's a still a world of supply and demand. I just don't see the common man demanding to hear about death and destruction when their lives aren't going that great already.


Oh man.. I have to deal with the Charlie Sheen crap all over twitter, facebook and the news.. and now the one place I didn't expect it..  very disappointing :(


Speaking as a person that has worked with many disturbed people over the years, I disagree with any type of justifying his behavior.

Look up the word Sociopath.

The fact that he's being glorified and is fun for people sucks.

People like this leave hurt in their wake, and by advertising it to the world like it's funny or awesome cause he doesn't care what anyone thinks is doing a terrible injustice not only to the people he is abusing and hurting, but to his children as well. 

We don't know the whole story, there is more going on than we see.  I find the whole thing extremely sad.

I'm praying for the people being taken advantage of, and hope that he gets the mental and medical help that he needs.

That's my two cents.

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I sometimes suspect he is pulling a 'Joachim Phoenix' and partially doing this for a stunt.  I always liked his old man, but never greatly for Charlie.  Wall Street & Platoon were great movies.


Well on a personal point I couldn't care less about him. We mention him on the podcast everynow and again but that's out of sarcasm. Trouble is mindless drones live reading about these kind of 'celebs'
Here in the UK we have glamour model 'fake' author, talentless singer Jordon ( Katie Price ) to deal with. If I see her face on a page I skip that page. I won't give them the publicity and I certainly won't buy the paper or magazine just because they're on it.

From Sheen's point of view well whatever he does to himself is up to him, but if it starts to upset his family and friends then frankly he's a git.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on March 07, 2011, 03:17:48 AM

Here in the UK we have glamour model 'fake' author, talentless singer Jordon ( Katie Price ) to deal with. If I see her face on a page I skip that page. I won't give them the publicity and I certainly won't buy the paper or magazine just because they're on it.
True enough - but at least she is easy on the eyes.  :)

Just think, in about 10 years we will look back and think of these relatively innocent times as compared to what is in store for us.


Well said Rick I agree with you, Charlie Sheen is a person who really needs help not only that, but what kind of example is he setting for his kids with his alcohol and drug use. I am sure that the studio has known about his problems for years and have condoned it by ignoring it, so they could make money off of him. He  himself is in denial, and even if he is not using drugs now, I am sure the effects from his long time use of it have and will have far reaching consequences to his health. His denial to even admit he has a problem by saying that he wont listen to judgements about his behavior have basically isolated him from the help he needs and his best supporters, his family.

His on air ramblings at times have been incoherent babblings and many psychologists who have discussed his behavior have suggested the possibility of mental illness.Whether or not true, his behavior indicates a man who needs some serious help, especially as he does not seem to be bothered by his children being taken away.

What Charlie Sheen needs is help, and I am afraid he wont get it while people are flocking to his web site and encouraging his rants for its entertainment value and curiosity on watching him go down in flames because they find it entertaining. He may have been once a great actor, but his future and how long he lives may very well depend on when and if he gets his drug use and alcoholism under control.


Let's face it, this incident is par for the course for pop culture icons and the media hysteria surrounding them. I appreciate the kind sentiments expressed and concern for this guys wellness and that of his family, but this where we are as a society and what we seem to enjoy doing to the people we make wealthy for entertaining us. They take the good with the bad when they cash those studio checks.


Quote from: Bryancd on March 07, 2011, 05:58:51 AM
Let's face it, this incident is par for the course for pop culture icons and the media hysteria surrounding them. I appreciate the kind sentiments expressed and concern for this guys wellness and that of his family, but this where we are as a society and what we seem to enjoy doing to the people we make wealthy for entertaining us. They take the good with the bad when they cash those studio checks.
A good point. Another point is that we don't know if he needs help at all. Is he over the top or is he being over the top to draw attention to himself from which he benefits?

I agree with Charlie in that you can't just look at him and diagnose him. That's probably the worst offense. There is nothing illegal about his ranting or behavior. In fact, as far as crazy rants go, his have been decidedly tame. Ask Mel or Christian Bale about a real rant. They have been a mass collection of sound bites.

Is he crazy or is he working the system that we put into place? A system where the perception of crazy warrants media interest.

Until it's clear what's going on in his head, I only have the information on hand to tell me what to think.

1) He has had drug problems.

2) He's television's highest paid actor.

3) Ratings dictate pay.

4) He has tested clear of drugs twice.

5) Publicity increases ratings.

Using the facts and only the facts, Charlie's achieving increased publicity and the ratings of his show has gone way up ... even though it's in reruns.

We can say we think he needs help, but that's a judgement based on very little solid information.

I would also like to point out that going a little outside of the box has always been normal for so many actors. I think that if you are playing and pretending to be someone other than yourself for most of your life, there is a real danger of losing who you are. When you factor in the necessity to dwell on past emotions and traumas to create realism in your work, you are picking at wounds that you can't really allow to heal.

Acting is a mentally and sometimes physically draining job. The Fame doesn't help with it. Just as some sports people break their bodies and run themselves down for the big pay, the same can happen to the mental status of actors. We don't know what it is. We do know that past celebs that have  Drastically altered their behavior have recovered and are doing fine. Maybe the brain needs a reset? Maybe the person in question just needed to relieve the stress of their life?

In the end, none of us are qualified to mentally diagnose a person that we haven't met and talked to in person. Doctors aren't even qualified to do that.

I also don't think that he's a sociopath or suffering ASPD. Depending on the day of the week, I'm sure that you can look at the actions of someone and declare them to have some sort of mental condition. Even the things that the common man does on a daily basis can be placed into the box of having a mental illness if we are only able to see the surface actions of a person.

How many of our own actions wouldn't seem a little crazy if our actions were shown in no real context?

Let's not forget that mental illness is also a very slippery slope. Strictly by the definition of the words, being faithful to a religion can fall into several types of mental illness, but because it's faith, it doesn't. Unless it's a really weird faith. If one person seems to be talking to someone that isn't visible, there might be mental issues. If many people are talking to someone that isn't visible, it's excused as faith and not mental illness.

This is part of the reason that I try not to judge the mental state of others. We can't know what's going on because we can never get inside their heads.


They just had a story on CNBC with an ad company that wants to monetize the advertising on Charlie Sheens Twitter account and apparently Charlie is in a deal with Marc Cuban to do this new online talk show.

Crazy? Yeah, like a fox.


X- you should be in charge of his fan club.  ;)

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