Podcast # 324 - Year 1999

Started by Rico, March 27, 2011, 10:59:52 AM

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WOW!!!!! I have a few prepared words. First I would like to thank the Treks in Sci Fi Academy for this wonderful honor and my agent Rico for inspiring a poor kid from Greenwich, CT to never give up and reach for the stars! And my new best friend Ryan and his daughter Claira.  :cheering :cheering :cheering :cheering


My friends, we have today witnessed history in the making.

Congrats Bryan!!!


I loved the look back.. thanks for the show.

Two mentions Id like to make for that year are the animated show "Batman Beyond" and the film "Fight Club".. both of which I'm a fan of.


Haha awesome Bryan! Knew you'd get there eventually! :)


Quote from: batmite on March 28, 2011, 09:34:13 AM
I loved the look back.. thanks for the show.

Two mentions Id like to make for that year are the animated show "Batman Beyond" and the film "Fight Club".. both of which I'm a fan of.

I haven't covered animated stuff much in these look backs.  But I was a big fan of "Batman Beyond."


@ Bryan, boy, talk about taking candy from a baby; even Kirk wouldn't do that.

The fake movie was Journey to Eden (not listed in IMDB, I checked first, but does sound kind of familiar doesn't it?).  The voice of Gary Sinise was edited from the movie The Imposter, used to add credibility at the beginning.  And the music was partly from Halo Reach, because it sounds so good.



Great Podcast!  Ryan's daughter Claira was so adorable.  Lots of good movies came out in 1999.  I had totally forgot about Galaxy Quest.  Nice trick, Vartok! :)


Awesome fun podcast, great comments and Clara was a awesome addition.

So Bryan won by default, not really a win is it Bry, bit of a sympathy win really. ;) lol ( best hide )


The word from this podcast that I thought was amusing was "sprinkle." I kept thinking that maybe I should get some doughnuts or ice cream with sprinkles. I liked the use of the word "sprinkling" too.

"Never Give Up! Never Surrender!" Galaxy Quest was awesome! Loved it! Thought that Alan Rickman made a great Spocklike character and that Tim Allen made an awesome Kirklike character. When this movie came out, I thought that it was perfect that both Allen/Alans were in the movie. They're like yin and yang. Maybe it's just me but they definitely worked well together. A lot of great bantering!

In honor of my still living father - "I drank what?"


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on March 29, 2011, 01:07:17 AM
So Bryan won by default, not really a win is it Bry, bit of a sympathy win really. ;) lol ( best hide )

'Twas a bit of charity...but I'll take it. :)


Great show! I had one thing I wanted to toss out there though. The camera spinning that was made famous in the Matrix wasn't actually created by the Matrix. In a case where I hate to give credits where credit is due, Species II, which came out a year earlier created the tech for the shot and had a single shot in the movie where the guy's head regenerated in slow motion as the camera spun around him. While the digital effects were not new, the Matrix was a better film and got the credit for it. I know it might sound like a nitpick, but I think the guys that actually invented the shot should one day get credit for coming up with that bit of tech.



Did I even talk about that one specific camera shot?


Rico- GREAT SHOW!  loved it.  So many things I didn't know. 

Vartok, you nerd.  I was so excited about seeing that movie.  I thought.....  2005?  Why didn't I see that.  And after enjoying Monsters that you reccomended I thought... great stuff!  CAN'T WAIT!  Nerd.

The intro was beyond cute.  LOVED IT!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Quote from: Rico on March 29, 2011, 08:38:40 AM
Did I even talk about that one specific camera shot?

You did when you mentioned that scence in the beginning when Trinity jumps up in the air while surrounded by the cops and freezes int hat bird like position while the camera revolves around her.

Oh, and loved Rick's music review, although that Korn song was an odd inclusion, I don't even recall it. And Vartok got me good, I was IMDB'ing that movie all morning!


Quote from: Bryancd on March 29, 2011, 09:17:13 AM
Quote from: Rico on March 29, 2011, 08:38:40 AM
Did I even talk about that one specific camera shot?

You did when you mentioned that scence in the beginning when Trinity jumps up in the air while surrounded by the cops and freezes int hat bird like position while the camera revolves around her.

Oh, and loved Rick's music review, although that Korn song was an odd inclusion, I don't even recall it. And Vartok got me good, I was IMDB'ing that movie all morning!
Ditto on most of the things you said. I, however, do remember the Korn song. I believe that they had a cartoon video to that one that was based on the album cover and had kids with guns and a magic bullet.