Podcast # 324 - Year 1999

Started by Rico, March 27, 2011, 10:59:52 AM

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Quote from: Bryancd on March 29, 2011, 09:17:13 AM
Quote from: Rico on March 29, 2011, 08:38:40 AM
Did I even talk about that one specific camera shot?

You did when you mentioned that scence in the beginning when Trinity jumps up in the air while surrounded by the cops and freezes int hat bird like position while the camera revolves around her.

Hmmm, I didn't think I said that, I thought it was one of the listener audio clips.  Maybe Kenny's audio clip.


Yes, actually it was Kenny who mentioned the specific scene with Trinity. You mentioned it's been so copied that everyone who uses it should send the producers of the Matrix a check, I think that's what Chris is referring to.


Quote from: Bryancd on March 29, 2011, 03:39:29 PM
Yes, actually it was Kenny who mentioned the specific scene with Trinity. You mentioned it's been so copied that everyone who uses it should send the producers of the Matrix a check, I think that's what Chris is referring to.

Not to keep this going, but that isn't exactly what I said or was referring to.  There is some paraphrasing going on related to what I said.  But I will stand behind that there are many effects, scenes, and digital camera work in "The Matrix" that have been used in many other things since and were pioneered in that film.  What generally has happened over the years in effects is that once some new technique is established it is used from then forward.  The first "Star Wars" film with effects by John Dykstra and crew are another good example of this.


Don't look at me, I never even saw Species II and have no idea what Chris is going on about! I have no dog in that fight, take it up with X. To me, all of this camera work, slow mo "bullet time" stuff was brand new in the Matrix, so I agree it was the seminal film for this kind of thing.


Okay guys, I wasn't accusing anyone of anything. I was merely adding to the discussion. I personally dislike Species II. If it wasn't shown perfectly in frame when you went to see it at the cinema, you could see the boom mics in the shots. That being said, I mentioned what I did because even a sucky movie sometimes makes something nice and some of those elements from sucky movies (Eraser, Species II) were delivered in a better overall package in the Matrix, but it shouldn't take away from giving credit to the guys that did it first. It also wasn't an attack on anyone's comments.


Admit it, you have a crush on Natasha Henstridge...I know I did.   :ohbaby Was she even in Species II.....naked?


Quote from: Bryancd on March 29, 2011, 05:15:31 PM
Admit it, you have a crush on Natasha Henstridge...I know I did.   :ohbaby Was she even in Species II.....naked?
Like I told my wife. Even Natasha's breasts couldn't save that movie.


I forgot to mention that my offspring Jenna (of 2010 Star Trek fan film fame) helped me gin up the fake Journey to Eden at IHOP (breakfast for dinner night) just before I recorded it.  She was back from OSU for Spring Break and I took her out to dinner to enjoy her company before she went back.   Once she got into it she was helping with the names and plot line and challenging anything that sounded too obvious.  So I should have given her credit at the end.  I did use her name as one of the children on the Gaia.  We were having a good time thinking about how this charade would go over.  Later.



Just finished listening to this podcast this morning. Vartok, Vartok I wrote the movie down to look it up on netflix. Great April Fools joke! I found Farscape on Netflix so will be watching them soon. Really liked the intro. CUTE! If I'm not mistaken Rick M. said something like "how can you forget the song Liva Loca by Ricky Martin." I CAN!!!  :ohmy Looking foward to your next year in review.


Argh!  Vartok, you had me hook line and sinker on Journey To Eden, I thought it sounded way too close to another scifi movie I like, Lost In Space and some others.  Good one! 

Great podcast as always guys :)

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Rico, I got my DVD's today! They are awesome, thnk you so much to Ryan and Claira for gift their win to me.  :cheers


Quote from: Bryancd on March 31, 2011, 05:05:49 PM
Rico, I got my DVD's today! They are awesome, thnk you so much to Ryan and Claira for gift their win to me.  :cheers

Great!  But, I think you mean you got your Blu-Ray's!  ;)


Indeed, and they are sweet! I LOVE The Universe and Life After People and look forward to the others!


I was totally wrapped up in Vartok's tall tale until I started to think about the gene pool represented by three(?) families at which point I started to come just a little bit unglued from the topic. I still didn't realise it was a fake though.

I loved Galaxy Quest (after being dubious about it before seeing it) and, more surprisingly, discovered that my wife sat down and watched the back again on her own recently. (OK, she did say there was nothing else on, but still...)

Farscape is on my 'classic must see' list for everyone else. I watched that through from the start and really need to do so again.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.