Osama bin Laden is dead...

Started by Bryancd, May 01, 2011, 07:57:38 PM

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Meds - this can't be too far from where Dr. John Watson took a Jezail bullet in his leg during the 2nd Anglo-Afghan campaign..?

((I know...off topic))


LOL no I'm afraid not Pete, Watson was shot in Maiwand in Aphganistan as i believe Bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad in Pakistan.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on May 02, 2011, 09:24:04 AM
I'm 100% sure those (myself included) affected by the London attacks are very pleased the SOB is dead but I don't see celebrations here. We're a country who has been attacked by terrorists since the 1960's, and know that all is not at peace just yet. When I know another soldier and their families won't suffer, when I know another innocent victim won't be killed then I'll celebrate.

I guess all I'm saying is let us all try not to be quite so judgemental.  I didn't see anyone celebrating in the street here in the USA either, but if I did I wouldn't presume to know what motivated them to do so, and I would at the least join them in celebrating the fact that a known terrorist murderer has finally been brought to justice.  I agree with you 100% that Osama's killing does very little to stem the tide of terrorism, and that an end to all war, terror, and suffering in the world would REALLY be something to celebrate.  We're certainly not there yet, though.  If you wait for that to celebrate anything, I fear you'll be waiting a very very long time.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


This is all I have to say on the subject...

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - Martin Luther King, Jr


Quote from: Jobydrone4of20 on May 02, 2011, 01:51:56 PM
Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on May 02, 2011, 09:24:04 AM
I'm 100% sure those (myself included) affected by the London attacks are very pleased the SOB is dead but I don't see celebrations here. We're a country who has been attacked by terrorists since the 1960's, and know that all is not at peace just yet. When I know another soldier and their families won't suffer, when I know another innocent victim won't be killed then I'll celebrate.

I guess all I'm saying is let us all try not to be quite so judgemental.  I didn't see anyone celebrating in the street here in the USA either, but if I did I wouldn't presume to know what motivated them to do so, and I would at the least join them in celebrating the fact that a known terrorist murderer has finally been brought to justice.  I agree with you 100% that Osama's killing does very little to stem the tide of terrorism, and that an end to all war, terror, and suffering in the world would REALLY be something to celebrate.  We're certainly not there yet, though.  If you wait for that to celebrate anything, I fear you'll be waiting a very very long time.
I hate to say this, but he wasn't brought to justice. He was killed in a shootout, but that's not being brought to justice. In fact, according to our legal system, he died an innocent man. He was not convicted of any crimes and we are innocent until proved guilty in a court of law. Since we aren't in the habit of trials for the dead and I think it's pretty much illegal to do so, he wasn't brought to justice, he wasn't even close to justice.

I also don't see anything wrong with being judgmental on this. There really isn't an excuse for it and instead of proving to be better than our enemies, we show how petty and vengeful we can be.


As I listened to the reports of Osama's death, all I could think of was Star Trek. Star Trek has dealt with terrorism and terrorists.

The episodes that come to mind are:

Wolf in the Fold (TOS)

This was the Jack the Ripper type episode where Scotty was accused of murder. This one in particular because of how evil can never be contained in just one being. Even killing or the death of one figurehead will not stop evil from spreading, which is very sad.

The High Ground (TNG)

This one was where Beverly was held hostage and as the leader was taken away, a small child tried to pick up where he left off.

I'm sure that there are many other episodes out there, those are the two that I remember and connect with terrorism and with current events.

Rico, are you planning on covering any episodes or have you covered terrorism like episodes? Just curious
In honor of my still living father - "I drank what?"


Quote from: X on May 02, 2011, 02:30:21 PM
Quote from: Jobydrone4of20 on May 02, 2011, 01:51:56 PM
Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on May 02, 2011, 09:24:04 AM
I'm 100% sure those (myself included) affected by the London attacks are very pleased the SOB is dead but I don't see celebrations here. We're a country who has been attacked by terrorists since the 1960's, and know that all is not at peace just yet. When I know another soldier and their families won't suffer, when I know another innocent victim won't be killed then I'll celebrate.

I guess all I'm saying is let us all try not to be quite so judgemental.  I didn't see anyone celebrating in the street here in the USA either, but if I did I wouldn't presume to know what motivated them to do so, and I would at the least join them in celebrating the fact that a known terrorist murderer has finally been brought to justice.  I agree with you 100% that Osama's killing does very little to stem the tide of terrorism, and that an end to all war, terror, and suffering in the world would REALLY be something to celebrate.  We're certainly not there yet, though.  If you wait for that to celebrate anything, I fear you'll be waiting a very very long time.
I hate to say this, but he wasn't brought to justice. He was killed in a shootout, but that's not being brought to justice. In fact, according to our legal system, he died an innocent man. He was not convicted of any crimes and we are innocent until proved guilty in a court of law. Since we aren't in the habit of trials for the dead and I think it's pretty much illegal to do so, he wasn't brought to justice, he wasn't even close to justice.

I also don't see anything wrong with being judgmental on this. There really isn't an excuse for it and instead of proving to be better than our enemies, we show how petty and vengeful we can be.

So in your opinion, what should we do then?  Not go after him?  I mean, we don't have phasers to set to stun and it is likely they didn't want to go into a shoot-out, but a shoot-out is what happened.  And it isn't like we can just sit on our hands and let him do whatever he feels like either so I'm curious as to what you see is the alternative to what happened. 

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog... www.kingisaaclinksr.wordpress.com
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Quote from: Kingisaaclinksr on May 02, 2011, 03:52:06 PM
Quote from: X on May 02, 2011, 02:30:21 PM
Quote from: Jobydrone4of20 on May 02, 2011, 01:51:56 PM
Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on May 02, 2011, 09:24:04 AM
I'm 100% sure those (myself included) affected by the London attacks are very pleased the SOB is dead but I don't see celebrations here. We're a country who has been attacked by terrorists since the 1960's, and know that all is not at peace just yet. When I know another soldier and their families won't suffer, when I know another innocent victim won't be killed then I'll celebrate.

I guess all I'm saying is let us all try not to be quite so judgemental.  I didn't see anyone celebrating in the street here in the USA either, but if I did I wouldn't presume to know what motivated them to do so, and I would at the least join them in celebrating the fact that a known terrorist murderer has finally been brought to justice.  I agree with you 100% that Osama's killing does very little to stem the tide of terrorism, and that an end to all war, terror, and suffering in the world would REALLY be something to celebrate.  We're certainly not there yet, though.  If you wait for that to celebrate anything, I fear you'll be waiting a very very long time.
I hate to say this, but he wasn't brought to justice. He was killed in a shootout, but that's not being brought to justice. In fact, according to our legal system, he died an innocent man. He was not convicted of any crimes and we are innocent until proved guilty in a court of law. Since we aren't in the habit of trials for the dead and I think it's pretty much illegal to do so, he wasn't brought to justice, he wasn't even close to justice.

I also don't see anything wrong with being judgmental on this. There really isn't an excuse for it and instead of proving to be better than our enemies, we show how petty and vengeful we can be.

So in your opinion, what should we do then?  Not go after him?  I mean, we don't have phasers to set to stun and it is likely they didn't want to go into a shoot-out, but a shoot-out is what happened. 

I didn't say we shouldn't have gone after him. I said it wasn't a reason for celebration and justice, by the definition of our laws, was not served when he died.

In my opinion, we would serve our country better by not training the people we want in power one day and have them use that training against us on the next day. When he was our ally, he was equated to George Washington when he had dinner in the White House with Reagan. I have no fundamental problems with what happened, I just don't think that it's a cause for celebration.

I also wonder what the underlying reasons were to turn an ally to such a hated enemy that hated us in return. We've been dealing with the fallout for the last decade, but have we made efforts to figure out the reason as to how all of this happened? I think the best way to prevent future attacks is to understand the truth behind the hatred.


Ahh ok.  I see your point.  And its a good one. 

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog... www.kingisaaclinksr.wordpress.com
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast: http://wp.me/pQq2J-zs
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/kingisaaclinksr


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on May 02, 2011, 01:16:34 PM
LOL no I'm afraid not Pete, Watson was shot in Maiwand in Aphganistan as i believe Bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad in Pakistan.
Well....at least I got the Jezail bullet part right....

((mental note - don't trust your memory..check your facts...especially when challenging Medz on Holmes-lore))


Quote from: Geekyfanboy on May 02, 2011, 02:18:39 PM
This is all I have to say on the subject...

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - Martin Luther King, Jr

That is the perfect quote.  Thanks for putting things in perspective Kenny.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Quote from: Jobydrone4of20 on May 02, 2011, 05:52:25 PM
Quote from: Geekyfanboy on May 02, 2011, 02:18:39 PM
This is all I have to say on the subject...

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - Martin Luther King, Jr

That is the perfect quote.  Thanks for putting things in perspective Kenny.
it makes sense... oh well, what's done is done.


Quote from: turtlesrock on May 03, 2011, 06:39:18 AM
Quote from: Jobydrone4of20 on May 02, 2011, 05:52:25 PM
Quote from: Geekyfanboy on May 02, 2011, 02:18:39 PM
This is all I have to say on the subject...

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - Martin Luther King, Jr

That is the perfect quote.  Thanks for putting things in perspective Kenny.
it makes sense... oh well, what's done is done.
...and the consequences have to be coped with.

It sums up life doesn't it.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Didnt Rambo help them out in Rambo 3??? just asking ;)


Was Rambo three the Afghan one i cannot remember i know four was Cambodia, well i think it was and one was in America.
but on the subject at hand i think Geekboy hit the nail on the head.
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - Martin Luther King, Jr