You know what STAR WARS is missing? Prostitutes!!

Started by Bryancd, June 10, 2011, 10:11:52 AM

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Yeah, I really don't mind, I just can't stand Rick McCallum.


yeesh. no, i prefer my sci fi rated PG, PG 13 at most.
true, han was a little odd. drug smuggler, who would have thought. the first time i saw star wars (i must have been 5) i really didn't pick up on that.


Quote from: turtlesrock on June 10, 2011, 07:53:41 PM
yeesh. no, i prefer my sci fi rated PG, PG 13 at most.
true, han was a little odd. drug smuggler, who would have thought. the first time i saw star wars (i must have been 5) i really didn't pick up on that.

Well, they never specifically said "Drug Smuggler" in the movies.  Just a smuggler.

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Quote from: KingIsaacLinksr on June 10, 2011, 08:19:37 PM
Quote from: turtlesrock on June 10, 2011, 07:53:41 PM
yeesh. no, i prefer my sci fi rated PG, PG 13 at most.
true, han was a little odd. drug smuggler, who would have thought. the first time i saw star wars (i must have been 5) i really didn't pick up on that.
Well, they never specifically said "Drug Smuggler" in the movies.  Just a smuggler.

They also said he dumped his cargo of Spice, which is an expensive and illegal drug and the reason why Jabba was after him. I mean unless you thought that underworld crimeboss Jabba the hutt was mad because Han dumped some oregano and bay leaves.


I don't disagree with what you're saying.  But it is one thing to imply and infer (something that young kids aren't likely to pick up on) and quite another to focus upon those activities.  In the movies, the fact that Jabba was a bad guy was obvious but it was really backstory to the plot rather than significant part of it.  Now it sounds like it will be the focus of the live action story.  That makes it different.  Just my two cents.


I don't think I would enjoy a Star Wars show based on evil activities. What do they want a "mob" in the galaxy show. There's nothing wrong with doing something a little different but i think this would be to different.


Quote from: turtlesrock on June 10, 2011, 07:53:41 PM
yeesh. no, i prefer my sci fi rated PG, PG 13 at most.
true, han was a little odd. drug smuggler, who would have thought. the first time i saw star wars (i must have been 5) i really didn't pick up on that.

I agree with you for franchises like Star Trek or Star Wars, that they work better the way they are handled right now. With that said, I have enjoyed some of the darker elements of both series, such as in Enterprise and DS9, and Anakins turn to the Dark Side in ROTS. So I would not be opposed to Star Wars exploring that a bit more within reason.

Also, people could say that The Terminator or Alien(s) series would not be the movies they are if they were hemmed in with a family friendly rating. I might get in trouble for saying this, but I have felt some of the action and super hero movies the past few years felt a bit watered down, so that they get get a family rating. I totally understand that, as if I was a movie studio and putting 100's of millions on the line, I would want to make sure that I had a movie that could reach the widest possible audience and could be marketed to everyone. But at times it makes me pine for some of the action movies from back in 80's and 90's that were more edgier. I really liked The Expendables last summer, because it felt like a throw back to that time, but realize a lot of people thought it was a poor movie.

Since you are one of the younger members of the Forum Turtle, I totally see where it is to your advantage that they make the movies more accessible for everyone, as then it gives us all a chance to see them :)

Back on Topic. I like the idea they are putting out there, and like I said in my previous post, hopefully it will include the Black Sun and also the Hutts, as I think that is a part of the universe I would like to see more of. I am sure it will be edgier then what we may have seen before, but also, I am not thinking it will go to the level that BSG went, just my opinion on that.

The first time I saw Star Wars, I don't think I picked up on Han smuggling drugs as I don't even think I knew what drugs were at that time, but over time I realized what Han was smuggling and what Jabba was all about, and did not have the internet to tell me either.

I am glad that the Live TV series is not on Ice, Like the Idea and say bring it on, I can wait until they feel it is right to do.


Quote from: jedijeff on June 11, 2011, 07:20:01 AM
Quote from: turtlesrock on June 10, 2011, 07:53:41 PM
yeesh. no, i prefer my sci fi rated PG, PG 13 at most.
true, han was a little odd. drug smuggler, who would have thought. the first time i saw star wars (i must have been 5) i really didn't pick up on that.

I really liked The Expendables last summer, because it felt like a throw back to that time, but realize a lot of people thought it was a poor movie.

is it odd that when you said The Expendables i thought about redshirts? :D