Time Machine Poll

Started by Rico, July 24, 2011, 02:03:58 PM

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If you could use a time machine once, where would you go?

The Past
4 (28.6%)
The Distant Past
1 (7.1%)
The Future
3 (21.4%)
The Distant Future
5 (35.7%)
Wouldn't go anywhere
1 (7.1%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Voting closed: August 03, 2011, 02:03:58 PM


Thought this might be fun.  Let's say you get hold of a time machine, but you can only make one trip with it, but can return when you desire.  What time period would you visit?  Feel free after you vote to describe your thoughts on this.


OK I've gone for the past. I have no desire to see the future purely for the fact I'd be either jealous I may not get to see it or horrified at what my kids/grand kids will have to put up with.
Now the past, I would really like to go back to when i was about 5, it may sound a bit weird but i have some great memories of the shops and parks, houses and schools which are either no longer there or have been radically changed. So it would be great to see if  my memory is as good as i think it is.


i'd have to go with the past. i've always dreamed of making a high score in asteroid and watching a trek series premiere... :)


Hmmm... I would definitely like to go to the past.  I might have the Temporal Police on my tail though cuz I might bring Marty's Sports Almanac back with me on my iPhone.... hee hee

I wouldn't go back further than the 60s though.  As an African American, I am not sure I really want to experience the level of blatant and violent racism that would certainly take place.


Interesting stuff so far guys.  Keep the votes and comments coming.


I go to the future, get some stock numbers and bounce back to make billions ...


I obviously picked the distant future.  I want to see us on other planets, flying around in FTL Starships!


Quote from: X on July 24, 2011, 08:39:21 PM
I go to the future, get some stock numbers and bounce back to make billions ...

No need, Chris, just call me. :)


Quote from: Bryancd on July 25, 2011, 08:30:04 AM
Quote from: X on July 24, 2011, 08:39:21 PM
I go to the future, get some stock numbers and bounce back to make billions ...

No need, Chris, just call me. :)

Would using a time machine be considered insider trading? :)


Distant Future, cause I'd love to see where mankind ends up, whether good or bad.


I went for the past. Probably Victorian era or WWII era.

Distant past would be too risky as would the distant future. You don't know where you'd end up. Recent future would not appeal, too many spoilers! ;)


I'm the person that picked that I wouldn't go anywhere.  The past doesn't really appeal to me other than making a good setting for a book.  I'm a bit germphobic and it seems the further you go back in time the less people worried about about keeping things clean.  Also, since I was born in the more modern computer era, life even a few decades a go would just confused and frustrate me.  I'm kinda afraid of the future.  If I knew we were headed towards a more peaceful and open minded existence, I certainly would want to go to the future.  However, I'd be too afraid of stepping out of the time machine to find out Earth looks more like Venus because of the runaway greenhouse effect or to discover another asteroid hit the earth causing mass extinction.


Hmmm, that is a tough one.  I guess I would choose the far future in the hopes that it will be a better one.  Past is tempting though  - especially Ancient Rome.  Now if this Time Machine could take me to Middle Earth......


Frankly I'd take any of the options if I could (except the nothing one of course). They all would be awesome, but alas time travel doesn't exist... yet...


I'd like to do something nobel, like prevent a world war - but I've watched to much sci-fi and know that would just backfire.

So I'd do something more practical - like Biff did in Back to the Future.

I'd say something like -
"Hey, when Apple stock is in the tank at a few bucks a share, buy it all up - butthead!"    :roflmao