QMX Kirk

Started by Data, July 27, 2011, 03:22:50 AM

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I'm not sure if we have all seen this but I will post it anyway.

What do we all think ?

For more info: http://trekmovie.com/2011/07/07/first-look-at-qmx-star-trek-movie-captain-kirk-maquette/
"Commander. You just sit tight. We'll have this all fixed up in time for supper. "



It looks like a figure from a new animated series. :)


There is something about this Maquette that I really don't care for. Maybe it is the shirt, as the collar seems a bit to open compared to what was seen in the Movie. I know it is supposed to a be caricature of Captain Kirk, but I find to me, that it plays a bit to much on the ladies man Kirk. I find Animated Maquettes are real hit and miss, I have a few Star Wars ones that I like, but then there are others I don't really care for.


Hmmm, not for me (not that I partake in the collecting game anyway).

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.



it didn't strike me as kirk the first time i looked at it.... hmm.
it looks like he's battling the romulans and needs to find a solution. just has that kind of look in his eye that says he's thinking about something.


Well, it does seem they are going for the Chris Pine Kirk, not the Shat, so in that respect it's an interesting stylized piece.


Keep in mind, this is suppose to have an animated look to it.  Just like their "Firefly" and "Galactica" mini-statues have.