DC Comics - The New 52!!!!

Started by WillEagle, August 12, 2011, 09:12:14 AM

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This is the first 2 books of a 4 part story called 'Throne of Atlantis'. It's a crossover between the Justice League and Aquaman books. I don't normally just pick up single issues from other series but I wanted to read this whole story. It looks pretty good. Here is a pic of the issues.


Yeah, I'm enjoying this little series so far.  Still been liking the new Aquaman and JLA both.


Lots of The New 52 news to report including 6 cancellations and new annuals coming out I'll post a link. The biggest news I think is that all the Green Lantern titles will be getting new creative teams. Yes Geoff Johns is leaving Green Lantern. There are other titles with new teams already including Green Arrow, which I read, and I didn't care for it. Also some other ones that I read, Supergirl & Action, get new teams soon. I wanted to list the cancellations for you in case they are titles you read.
1. Fury of the Firestorm. An original New 52 book. I started with this but dropped it.
2. Savage Hawkman. Another original New 52 book. I never got into this one.
3. Ravagers. Newer title. I am getting the graphic novel of this from the library.
4. Deathstroke. If I remember correctly this was an original New 52 book also. Never read it though.
5. Sword of Sorcery. Newer title that i'm not surprised got cancelled.
6. Team 7. Don't know much about this book but I do know it was a pretty new title.


I decided to try and just post one pic of the months New 52 titles I collect. It includes issue #16 of the books including #17 of Green Arrow.


You didn't like the new version of "Green Arrow" with issue #17?  iFanboy and other comic places seem to really like it.  I picked it up over the weekend and still need to read it.  I tried Green Arrow when the new 52 started but didn't like it then.  I'm looking forward to seeing the new vision for the book.


I liked the beginning of the series I gave issue #1 a 9 rating and #2-#7 an 8 rating. After that it kinda went down hill. As far as #17 I didn't care for the art style even though I thought the cover was really good. And I couldn't get into the story very much. I rated it only a 5. I'll give issue 18 a try but I'm thinking of dropping this title.


I tend to prefer older, grumpy Oli like the older Green Arrow series.  But I'm hearing the new version of this book will have them trying to blend in some elements from the "Arrow" TV series.  I've always liked the character a lot so I'm going to give it another shot.


I like the old Ollie better too.
Check out the Green Arrow/Black Canary series from a few years back. Very good series.
I can see where they are putting in elements from the show which is fine but I just couldn't get into it. Even though its one of the books I keep up with reading every month I just don't think I'm going to stick with it. It's funny though because I do want to keep Action and I'm way behind on reading it.
The Green Arrow New 52 series was a big change from previous Arrow series with them even placing him in Seattle instead of Star City.
Rico, let me know what you think of the art in #17. As I sad in an earlier post I didn't care for it.


Way behind on my comic reading and I did drop a few titles. Mainly because I haven't kept up on them anyway and I could use the money for something else. I will continue to get the graphic novels of the new 52 at my library though. The last one I read was Catwoman - Vol. 2 - Dollhouse - 7. Not as good as the 1st one.


Been a while but I did have to drop a few titles and now I'm only getting Justice League, Superman, and Supergirl. I likes Green Lantern Corps but they did too many series that were tied in with other Lantern titles and it got a little confusing. Action was good too, and I thought a good drop time was Grant Morrison's last issue. May pick it back up with the graphic novels or just get them at the library. Plan on keeping these 3 titles along with the Trek comic and the ongoing Star Wars.


I haven't said much on this topic for a long time but the New 52 is coming to an end. There will be 24 new books and 24 ongoing. I'll post a link to the list.


I have kept up with Superman, Supergirl, Justice League and I have read the first few issues of Grayson. I stopped reading Action but have picked up back issues. Out of those books only Supergirl ended. After the Convergence event they will get back to the ongoing and new titles in June.


I've read Batman for a long time - way pre-new 52.  I read Justice League too and Batgirl as far as DC books go.  I've read Supergirl and Superman from time to time, but neither seems to keep me coming back these days.  I think I probably read more Marvel and Image books lately than DC.


Most of my books are DC but I do have a couple of Marvel with Star Wars being Marvel now and I started a new series called A-Force. My DC books I'll keep reading are Superman, Justice League and Arrow based on the show. I also have been picking up Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman which I like because it is one or more stories per issue so if you miss the next issue or don't read 4 other titles that are part of the story your ok. And on a final note I do like the old version of Superman better. There were 2 Superman Convergence books that were awesome. They featured Superman and him being married to Lois. Loved it!