Why do we all enjoy science fiction and fantasy

Started by QuadShot, September 01, 2011, 09:01:54 AM

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Why Do You Like Sci-Fi/Fantasy?

I can identify with the genre
0 (0%)
I have wild imagination that no other genre matches
1 (7.1%)
It helps me escape the reality of my life
3 (21.4%)
It gives me hope that there is something else to look forward to
2 (14.3%)
I love imagining things few others can
1 (7.1%)
To meet chicks/dudes (in a platonic fashion)
0 (0%)
All Of The Above!
7 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Voting closed: September 04, 2011, 09:01:54 AM



Al - I think you might need an "All of the above" option added in.  :)


Quote from: Rico on September 01, 2011, 09:07:19 AM
Al - I think you might need an "All of the above" option added in.  :)

I was going to say that. And also perhaps rephrase the last one. I do like to meet chicks and dudes but not in the way that choice is suggesting! Lol


Yeah, it sort of feels like a blend of all of those and also includes found memories of childhood, nostalgia, ect. The only one I don't relate it is the escapism one. I have never considered my love for sci-fi a means to escape reality.


:) You guys crack me up. Ok, added an All Of The Above and clarified the chicks/dudes question for Dan! :)


It's ok, Al, polls in and of themselves are dull, what's fun is the conversation they generate!


Bryan, agreed. I'm just wondering why Dan was the only one who took the chicks/dudes question as a..."romantic" one? :) Perhaps he's denying something? :):) JK.


Quote from: QuadShot on September 01, 2011, 09:54:45 AM
Bryan, agreed. I'm just wondering why Dan was the only one who took the chicks/dudes question as a..."romantic" one? :) Perhaps he's denying something? :):) JK.

Lol when I was single being a geek wasn't much of a plus for the ladies I'd encounter.

I cracked it eventually, come out as a geek to your significant other AFTER they're invested in you! ;)


Jamie claims I hid all my geeky stuff from her when we were dating. It's not my fault she never went up to the third floor of my house before agreeing to marry me. :)


Hey, you should put the meeting people thing back in for those that are looking for non-platonic companionship.


Quote from: X on September 01, 2011, 10:13:39 AM
Hey, you should put the meeting people thing back in for those that are looking for non-platonic companionship.

Rico is making some changes to the forum soon. Maybe we need a little section for this in the members section? I'm not joking :)


So, sort of a cyber-speed dating forum? Problem with that is, you could think you're flirting with some hot babe (or dude) and come to find out its someone like...ME! :)


..or worse, you fall in love with them and then find out they are HUGE "Twilight" fans... ;)


Fran hid her geekiness, how lucky did I feel when I found out my girlfriend liked Trek!


Quote from: Bryancd on September 01, 2011, 10:27:08 AM
..or worse, you fall in love with them and then find out they are HUGE "Twilight" fans... ;)

AHHHH NOOOO! THAT WOULD be a nightmare!!