Star Wars Blu-Ray Content Discussion

Started by jedijeff, September 20, 2011, 07:32:10 PM

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Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on September 25, 2011, 01:09:17 PM
Looking at those pictures Jabba still looks a bit off.

Well since the blu-rays are taken from the same transfer as the DVDs and nothing has been altered in that scene then it would.


Quote from: Dangelus on September 25, 2011, 01:26:47 PM
Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on September 25, 2011, 01:09:17 PM
Looking at those pictures Jabba still looks a bit off.

Well since the blu-rays are taken from the same transfer as the DVDs and nothing has been altered in that scene then it would.

Actually I think Jabba looks a bit better. Might be the higher res., but I thought he looked a bit more real.


Really enjoyed the entire ANH Archives. The high res. model images and great and the deleted scenes a blast. Also, Arnie and Marjorie over at SWAN last week did a whole show reviewing the entire box set and and I couldn't agree with their comments more. For a good review, go have a listen.


Wow! There's a ton of Wampa stuff filmed for ESB! It would have made the movie more like ALIEN!


The Wampa stuff was pretty interesting. I can see why they took it out, as some of it did not look the greatest, plus it somewhat diminished the threat of the Imperials storming the base.
I really liked the Models as well, the pictures were great and cool to see some of the detail.


Another aspect of the Archive stuff from ROTS are the extended scenes some of which are actually animatics. It's very interesting to see how they could use computer generated sequences to see a complete part of the film without actually going through the expense of filming it. The Grevious/Obi wan chase creted by Steven Speilberg is wild...and endless! I also liked the Yoda/Sidious fight where Yoda uses the Royal Guards as shields. LOL!!!

And you guys have to check out on the OT Archives for ESB a very recent Clone Wars meeting where Lucas discusses the Force light and dark side, riveting stuff!


I found those animatics interesting as well. It was interesting that in the original animatic of Yoda/Palpatime battle, Yoda did not flee the senate chamber like he did in the movie. Would be interested to hear the reasoning why they decided to change that. All I could really think of, is that George might have felt, if Yoda did not flee and Palpatine did, that expectation might be for Yoda to hunt him down later, instead of going into hiding. Also the little cut scene of Yoda communing with Qui-Gon was interesting as well, to bad they never got to the point of having Liam Neeson do the voice work


OH MY GOD! The deleted pilot scenes from ROTJ! The Rebel Alliance was hiring from at AARP!!!  :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao


I thought them passing all those lines to the fellow playing the Mon Cal pilot was funny, and he seemed to roll along with it. Was interesting to see all the pilots, but got a bit monotonous after awhile.

I was listening to the forcecast today and they were raving about the segment you mentioned Bryan between dark and light in the force. I might slip in the Blu-Ray tonight and watch it, as they also said it was a must watch.


If you want to hear n interesting insight into what GL considers when altering any of the films watch the Anatomy of a Dewback documentary. Very interesting.


I finally got mine, my wife got it for me for my birthday. How anyone could complain anout these Blurays is beyond me. One of the best values as far as a box set I have ever seen. The deleted scenes alone are worth it, let alone the great interviews, docs and the spoof program! I'm in geek heaven with this. So far I've only watched Episode I(which I regard better lately for some reason) and I'm plowing through the extras. Ahhhh.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast!


Quote from: Chris-El on October 23, 2011, 01:37:34 PM
How anyone could complain anout these Blurays is beyond me.

Never underestimate fans ability to crap on that which they love! ;)


     Finally broke down and bought the blu-ray set of this.  Got the whole shibang.  I LOVE the movies and knew I'd get them in blu-ray sooner or later, but it was all the extra content that sold me on the complete set.  Now to start saving up my nickles and dimes for the Indiana Jones collection coming out later this year. :o



My wife and I have been slowly working our way through this set. I think the transfer quality is really good. Have not had time to watch any of the extras yet though. I'm more of a Star Trek fan than a Star Wars fan so I doubt this set will get viewed as frequently as our Trek blu-rays, but I'm glad we own them.

I'm undecided about the Indy films. I enjoy all of them but since owning the DVD box set and buying the Crystal Skull on blu-ray we have only watched them once. I know the blu-ray experience will be better but I'm not sure I would watch them often enough to justify the expense. If the set comes down to around $50.00 I will consider it more seriously.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Going to merge this in with the thread discussion on the SW Blu-Ray's.