The Star Trek Vault released

Started by RickPeete, September 27, 2011, 09:39:56 AM

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This just arrived at my house Monday evening!  Looking forward to digging into it and see what new tidbits of Trek trivia I can learn!

Got it from Amazon

Star Trek Vault charts the remarkable history of the world's most popular science fiction series, examining the franchise's first 40 years. Covering all six Star Trek television series and the ten original feature films, the book highlights the far-reaching social and scientific optimism that underpins the franchise, dwelling on milestones such as its groundbreaking mixed-race casts and technologies that have since become commonplace, before taking an in-depth look at the making of each series and movie. Fully illustrated with more than 350 images, and including 13 interactive reproductions of the most fascinating memorabilia from the CBS archives--on-set signage, hand-drawn storyboards, blueprints for Picard's captain's chair, and a vintage T-shirt transfer--Star Trek Vault provides a broad perspective on the voyages of Captains Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, and Archer. The ultimate treasure trove of Star Trek imagery and memorabilia, Star Trek Vault is sure to appeal to both the casual and the die-hard fan.


How did I miss this?! I just got the ALIEN Vault, need to order this ASAP!!


Another book you guys might be interested in is "Obsessed With Star Trek". It's a new trivia book that has a little interactive electronic module built in. It randomly selects a trivia question by number and you select the correct answer via multiple choice buttons. Here is the link:

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Quote from: Bryancd on September 27, 2011, 09:48:46 AM
How did I miss this?! I just got the ALIEN Vault, need to order this ASAP!!

I really thought we had a post about this somewhere before.  Looks like you got yours a bit early Rick (or they bumped up the release date).  I thought it was releasing next week - in October.


Quote from: Rico on September 27, 2011, 12:11:07 PM
Quote from: Bryancd on September 27, 2011, 09:48:46 AM
How did I miss this?! I just got the ALIEN Vault, need to order this ASAP!!

I really thought we had a post about this somewhere before.  Looks like you got yours a bit early Rick (or they bumped up the release date).  I thought it was releasing next week - in October.

I think you did, I just spaced on pre-ordering it. I just got it from Amazon for $26!


Looks great I look forward to your comments on it.



Received my copy and read it this weekend. It's ok, the inserts are fun but nothing that really blew me away. My favorite part was a review of the collectibles from the '70's including a pick og the Mego Phaser battle Game, I loved that as a kid. The informationa nd review of all the series shows and movies is pretty standard stuff you have likely heard before. Nothing really new, so i would have to say this is not really a must read book. I enjoyed it enough, but it was no where near as good as the ALIEN Vault and no where close to the STAR WARS Vault, which was a masterpiece.


I gave it a quick review on yesterday's podcast.  I liked it enough.  For some reason I thought it was going to a bit heavier on the TOS stuff and not give an overview of all the series and films.  Anyway, for $25 it's worth it for me.