Podcast # 391 - "Enemy Mine"

Started by Rico, July 01, 2012, 05:28:05 AM

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This week, the guest host team of Rick & Chris is back with a look at the great SF film, "Enemy Mine."  This chat about the film, play clips, and give us all some great info on this movie.  Thanks to them and I hope you enjoy the podcast!

Podcast Notes:  http://treksinscifi.com/podcast_notes/?p=2465



Great job guys :)
Enemy Mine really turned a sci-fi adventure on it's head with the eventual friendship of the two antagonists.
I think this was the first movie I saw on HBO too, lol!


Listening today and really digging it! I always liked this movie, remeber seeing it in theaters when I was a Junior in high school.


Down loaded and will be listening on Wednesday (have training tomorrow on some new CNC machines and need my ears lol)


I have been and always will be, your friend.
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Downloaded and ready for tomorrow.


Great job guys. Really enjoyed this episode...and loved that movie. I own it. :)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Thanks very much. I couldn't believe I didn't own it, when Rick and I decided to do this I searched for it in my library! Luckily it was really cheap.
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HI Chris and Rick, I just listen to the podast last night on my mp3 on my cell,  I am doing a lot of that these days lol.  I have seen the movie at least once and parts of it over the years.  the first time on a VHS rental back when VCR's were starting to become more common. my family got theres in 1986 and we did rentals all the time.  I remember reating it for $1 at the mom and pop video store.  I think  first saw the movie in 86 or 87, not sure which.  Enemy Mine is a great movie and maybe I will watch it again some time in the future.  I do want to point out that Carolyn McCormick also played a criminal pyscaritrist in the Law and Order TV series in the 90's.  I didn't realize that she played in the movie until you meantin it.  well I cant wait to hear you two guys again, you two do a great job.
I am going with the best information that I have.


That is very nice of you!  Thank you!  We are working on another idea right now for the next one!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
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Just got to listen to this one yesterday, very cool! Not a movie I've ever seen, I'll have to check it out.


Joe, you will really enjoy this movie, very cool stuff.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


I had seen this in the theater when I was in High School and I remembered I didn't care for it. I would like to watch it again becaue most of what you talked about on the podcast I don't even remember. And it sounds alot better than what I remember. Great job with the podcast guys!


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