Podcast # 391 – “Enemy Mine” – 1207.01

This week, the guest hosting team of Chris Clemente and Rick Moyer are back with a look at the great Sci-Fi film “Enemy Mine.”  They do another great podcast and I’ll let them tell you more about it right now.

Hey folks!  We’re baaaaaaack!  Yep, Rick Moyer here,  along with my good friend Chris Clemente, sitting in the cockpit for Rico for this episode of Treks in Sci Fi.  This week we talk about the classic sci fi flick “Enemy Mine” from 1985.  We’ll share several clips from the movie, talk about what we liked and didn’t like and even share behind the scenes information that isn’t widely known.   Come enjoy this interstellar chat with Chris and me on this episode of Treks in Sci Fi!

Thanks again to both Chris & Rick for sitting in this week and doing the show.  It helped a lot since I’m busy today building a brand new, state of the art PC to beef up my video editing abilities and hopefully do more vidcasts in the future for TSF.  So, next week tune in when I will be covering the TOS episode, “Requiem for Methuselah” as well as other stuff (like a mini-review of the new “Amazing Spider-Man” film.  Take care until then and a Happy 4th of July to all my friends in the United States.  Talk to you again soon.