Podcast # 483 - "Invaders from Mars"

Started by Rico, April 13, 2014, 06:59:35 AM

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This week, guest host Mark Daniels is back with another classic SF film.  This time out, Mark covers the 1953 scare-fest, "Invaders from Mars."  This is an awesome film and Mark does his usual excellent job covering it.  Thanks to Mark & enjoy the cast!

Podcast Notes:  http://treksinscifi.com/podcast_notes/?p=3305




"Amat Victoria Curam"


Can't wait to listen to this. I love this film and when i was a little kid i watched it for the first time on BBC 2 and it really scared me. The strange mark on the back of the neck, the sand slowly disappearing and the look of blankness in the people really bothered me.


I just downloaed this one today, can't wait to listen to it.
I am going with the best information that I have.


That's cool that Barbara Billinglsy was in the movie, I always thought Invaders would make a great 'Leave it to Beaver' episode. Eddie Haskell would save the day!

Good narrative too, you could totally substitute for Neil deGrasse Tyson on Star Talk. :)


A really great fun flick i remember watching on Saturday morning.... love the twin beds the parents slept in , just like Lucy & Desi .

"Amat Victoria Curam"


I just listend to the podcast this morning.  great podcast, I have seen this movie in a long time. I first saw it when I was a kid then latter as an adult.  One of the things that strikes out to me is the mate painting of the rocket ship.  a real classic sci-fi image right there in the movie.   once again great job M-5.  look forward to more coming our way.
I am going with the best information that I have.


Great podcast Mark! This is one of my favorite classic sci-fi films, I do agree with you about all the stock footage and the cheesy costumes but hey...it was 1953 and for the time period I think they did a great job overall.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine




Wonderful podcast Mark, really enjoyed your detailed chat about this film which also scared the hell out of me when I was a child. It seemed to be on tv every year and every time I saw it the scene of the people disappearing by the broken fence always bothered me.
Great show.


Mark are you taking suggestions for vintage SciFi movies?


Yes.  That would be very cool to see what others like.


Do you recall 'Robinson Crusoe On Mars'?  Always loved that one as a kid.


Quote from: Bromptonboy on May 18, 2014, 04:49:35 AM
Do you recall 'Robinson Crusoe On Mars'?  Always loved that one as a kid.

That film was recently released by Criterion and has an excellent transfer as all Criterion releases do. Great story and special effects that still hold up well after 50 years.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine