Podcast # 483 – “Invaders from Mars” – 1404.13

This week, guest host Mark Daniels is back with another classic SF film.  This time out, Mark covers the 1953 scare-fest, “Invaders from Mars.”  This is an awesome film and Mark does his usual excellent job covering it.  Here are a few words from the man himself about his recent classic cast:

Hello Everybody!  This is Mark Daniels from the Great Pacific Northwest and I’m back with another classic science fiction movie.  This time it’s from 1953.  It’s “Invaders from Mars.”  This movie scared me to death when I was a kid.  I know Rico and some of us of a certain age will remember watching this movie as a kid.  I hope you all enjoy it.  I’ll join you all soon with another classic in science fiction. Take care everyone!
This is M-5 signing off….
Thanks Mark for another cool show.  Next week I will be back with guest Chris Clemente and we will be covering various genre favorites in the worlds of geekdom.  Take care until then and enjoy your week ahead.