Podcast #931 – “Disco 5” – 2404.07

This week on the podcast I cover the first two episodes of season 5 of “Star Trek: Discovery.” It’s been about two years since season 4 ended, so it’s good to see the show return. I also cover some recent TV and movies I have seen as I typically do on each podcast. Then on to the DISCO topic.

Overall I was pretty happy with these first two episodes. I like the basic story idea and the show seems a bit lighter in tone – to a degree. I toss out a few ideas and some slight spoilers for these episodes so don’t listen if you haven’t watched yet. You have been warned.

That’s about it for this week. I’ll be back in two weeks with more geeky goodness. Take care until next time.

You can support the podcast on PATREON HERE.

Podcast #930 – “Grab Bag” – 2403.24

This week I decided to just do a grab bag style show and discuss some recent movies and TV I have seen. I also rundown many of the upcoming films still coming in 2024. I would say it’s a little movie light this summer, but still a few gems in there too. Also some other nerdy comments and geek stuff is shared this week. Hope everyone enjoys the podcast. Take care and I’ll be back in two weeks.

You can support the podcast on PATREON HERE.

Podcast #929 – “Oscars 2024” – 2403.10

This week I decided to run down the 2024 nominations and other details for tonight’s Oscar award ceremony. This is a rare year where I have seen about half the films nominated for Best Picture and other categories. I also talk about the usual recent TV and films I’ve seen – such as “Dune: Part 2.” Then I talk about the various Oscar categories and give my thoughts and some predictions about who I think might win the golden statues later on tonight. One thing I’m happy about is the awards show starts one hour earlier than it has in the past. Maybe I’ll actually watch it until the very end – which I haven’t done in many years. Hope you enjoy this special podcast.

I’ll be back in two weeks with a new show. Until then take care.

Support the podcast via Patreon HERE.

Podcast #928 – “Austin Powers” – 2402.25

This week I decided to do something fun and more light-hearted and covered the “Austin Powers” film trilogy. A really fun series of three movies that I greatly enjoyed. First up, I talk about some Trek news included the new trailer for season 5 of “Star Trek: Discovery” that starts in early April. Then it’s on to the main topic.

The three Austin Powers movies are a great deal of fun and I finally decided to cover them on a podcast. I play the trailers and talk about the details of the films and how well they did at the box office. Really fun looking back on these and I kind of hope we might get one more some day from Mike Myers.

That’s it for this week. I’ll be back in two weeks with a new podcast. Until then take care and enjoy yourself.

You can support the podcast on Patreon HERE.

Podcast #927 – “Sports & Sci-Fi” – 2402.11

This week with the Superbowl happening later today I thought it would be fun to cover sports in Sci-Fi. There are actually quite a few futuristic films that involve sports. First up I talk about various topics mainly related to what I’ve been watching lately. Some non-SF stuff too. Then on to the main topic.

I’m not the biggest sports fan but I appreciate sports and thought it would be fun to cover sports from a nerd viewpoint. I go over a number of films that involve sports in a Sci-Fi setting. Many of these I really enjoy too. As always I can’t cover all of them but I hope this got you thinking about stuff worth watching maybe later after the big game or sometime soon.

I’ll be back in two weeks with a new show. Until then take care and stay well.

You can support the podcast on PATREON HERE.

Podcast #926 – “What If…?” – 2401.28

This week is a fun show. I decided to cover the MCU animated series called, “What If…?” for the main topic. Two seasons so far and I really enjoy this series. I cover the usual recent TV and movies I’ve been watching along with a few other details as well. Been a hectic couple of weeks since my last podcast. Then it’s on to the main topic. The “What If…?” series has been great and I give background and play some trailer clips to discuss on the show. It’s a very cool series and one all the Marvel fans should watch. We will be getting a third season too!

That’s it for this week. Hope everyone is doing well and I will talk to you again in about two weeks. Take care until next time!


Podcast #925 – “Star Trek: Resurgence” – 2401.14

Cool show this week folks. I got to interview the two writers who worked on the “Star Trek: Resurgence” video game (available on PC, PS, XBox). I spoke for a bit more than an hour with Dan Martin and Andrew Grant and we discussed the game in quite a bit of detail. I especially talked to them about the way the game is structured and the various decisions you make to shape your game experience. To me the game feels like you are put into your own episode of “Star Trek” that you get to play out. I’m not the biggest gamer around but I’m really enjoying this one. Big thanks to Dan and Andrew for their time – along with some free game codes. Listen to the podcast to learn more about that.

Next week will be a skip week but I’ll be back in two weeks with a new show. Take care until then.

You can support the podcast on PATREON HERE.

Podcast #924 – DS9 -“Visionary” – 2401.07

For my first podcast of the new year I’m starting out with a classic style show. I do a full audio commentary while watching the third season DS9 episode, “Visionary.” It’s a really good fun episode to start the new year with. I also talk a bit about recent TV shows and movies I’ve been watching too. Hope you enjoy the show and I look forward to some more fun podcasting this year for all of you!

Next week will probably be an interview show talking to some of the people who worked on the new “Star Trek: Resurgence” video game. Hope you come back for that. Until next time take care and enjoy your week.

You can support the show via Patreon HERE.