Andorians invade show #86

An episode of “Enterprise” is covered this week on the show.
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This weekend on the podcast I’m going to be mainly looking at an early episode of “Enterprise” called “The Andorian Incident.”  A cool little tale from early in the first season of the series.  First I cover some recent Sci-Fi news and tidbits of info.  Including a little on the (coming next week) new Bond film.

The TREK episode this week introduces the Andorians back into the world of Star Trek.  They really haven’t been explored since the TOS era.  I enjoyed this episode and the look at both Vulcans and the Andorian cultures.  They don’t really like each other much, and this episode explains some of that.  Also the character of Shran is introduced played by Jeffrey Combs who becomes a recurring character in the series.  A fun tale and well worth a look.

The collectible review this week was done by Jedi Jeff from the forums.  He looks at Sideshow Toys Mace Windu “Star Wars” 12″ figure.  It’s part of the excellent line of Sideshow “Star Wars” items that have been coming out over the past months.  The picture below is from Sideshow.  Click on it to learn more about this excellent figure.

Hope everyone enjoyed the show this weekend.  See you next time.