Podcast # 264 – “The Most Toys” – 1001.31

This weekend on the podcast I am doing my first, truly official podcast from my new rental house in Illinois.  Got my computer and sound gear here, so all should be pretty normal to your ears.  I first fill folks in a bit on the house situation and my new job.  Everything is working out pretty well, but I’ve been very busy and it was nice to do something normal like a podcast this weekend.  I chat a little about the release of the upcoming “Star Trek: Online” game and things related to my preorder at Gamestop.  Also, a quick bit of talk about the recent Sci-Fi on TV that I’ve been trying to catch up on lately – even with all the moving and busy times.  Then it’s on to the episode discussion.

The third season episode, “The Most Toys” is a definite highlight for TNG and especially Data (and Brent Spiner).  It features a collector of rare things who decides to abduct Data and hold him against his will as a sort of trophy.  Of course Data is not too pleased with this and tries to resist his captor and even attempt to escape.  The villain (Fajo) is very well played by Saul Rubinek (who is now on “Warehouse 13”).  It’s interesting to note that another actor was first cast and actually some film was shot before he had to be replaced.  I talk about that more on the podcast.  I think this episode is one of those classic Trek tales of two people in a struggle against each other – both mentally and otherwise.  There are some great scenes between Data and Fajo.  I also like how Geordi keeps looking for the truth about what happened to his friend.  Overall, a great episode to look at and one I hope you enjoy my comments on.  Also, thanks to Feathers and Rick Moyer for their comments and Rick’s new song for this cast.  Thanks guys and also thank Vartok for your movie review segment.

That’s about all for this week.  Tune in next weekend when I will be covering some short lived (one season or less) Sci-Fi and fantasy TV series.  Send in your comments please on shows you have enjoyed in that area.  Take care until then and stay safe.

Podcast:  http://www.treksinscifi.com/podcasts/TreksinSciFi_264_Most_Toys.mp3