Podcast # 164 – “Darmok”

The podcast this weekend features a look at a classic episode from Next Gen.
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This week I have another packed episode for everyone to listen to. The main topic is a full commentary for the TNG episode “Darmok.” But first I pass on some news tidbits and information. The next part to “Star Trek: Of Gods and Men” will be coming out next weekend, March 15th. This is an exciting tale so far based on the first installment. It features many professional Trek actors and behind the scenes folks. Make sure to check out their web site HERE next weekend and check out part 2 of this film. Also, season six of the popular Treks in Sci-Fi forums RPG story kicks off today. We have some new members joining in but are always looking for more. Drop on by the forums HERE and check out the exciting and very imaginative writing going on. I also play a couple of listener segments. First, we have another excerpt from “Inside Star Trek” sent in by Nathaniel. This one features Roddenberry talking to Sarek. We also have another cool music segment by Vartok on composer David Arnold. Great stuff guys, thanks for sending these in.

Then it’s on to the full episode commentary on “Darmok.” This early fifth season episode focuses on language and how Picard and the Enterprise crew must learn to communicate with a race of aliens that speaks in metaphors. The story mainly features Picard on an alien planet with the captain of the alien vessel. Together they must put aside their differences and work together to learn from each other and fight a common foe. It’s a very interesting story and one that brings out something that is usually passed over in Trek – and that’s how to speak to aliens. Usually the Universal Translator helps out on this a lot, but this time it’s not much help at all. I really like this one and the actors give some great performances. Plus we get some cool location shooting that doesn’t happen very often in TNG as a whole. Lots of cool things to watch in this one (not the least being Picard’s snazzy new jacket).

I wind the podcast down with a the Moyer’s ever popular “Father & Son” review. Great job again this week guys. And I do a quick collectible review on another Master Replicas lightsaber. This time out it’s Mara Jade’s saber. She is an expanded universe character and ends up becoming Luke Skywalker’s wife in the novels. This saber was first made for a collectible card game photo shoot and used by model Shannon McRandle who appears at conventions signing as the Mara Jade character. It’s a cool piece and Master Replicas again did a fine job on this saber. Click the picture here to see more views of it in my gallery.
That about wraps up the notes for this week folks. Hope to see you back here next week when the main topic with be the “Enterprise” episode from season one called, “Fusion.” Take care until then.