Podcast # 392 – “Requiem for Methuselah” – 1207.08

This week on the podcast I cover a classic, third season TOS episode called, “Requiem for Methuselah.”  An episode that I have grown to enjoy more over the years each time I watch it.  I start out this week’s show talking about the new PC I recently assembled.  It’s been about four years since I built my last PC and it was time for something new considering how much I use my machine each day.  I also talk briefly and spoiler free about the new movie that I recently saw, “The Amazing Spider-Man.”  I enjoyed this film greatly.  The cast is terrific and they have a solid story and some great performances too.  The action of course is awesome as well.  I urge you to go see it sometime very soon.  And finally I talk a little bit about Trek.  Not a lot of news about the next film yet but I pass on a few stories to keep our Trek need filled – I hope.  Then it’s on to the main topic for the week.

The Trek episode I cover is an interesting one.  It touches on some classic Trek ideas and themes and has a couple of great guest actors in the episode.  I very much enjoyed watching this one again and I give some background on the episode and what I like about it.  I also mention a few things I wished they had added into the episode or expanded upon.  It’s an interesting show to cover and I hope you enjoy my comments.  Rick Moyer also sent in some comments and I play those and a song of his that I like at the end of the podcast.  You can find more of Rick’s Trek and other parody songs right HERE.  Make sure to check them out soon.

I wrap up the podcast with a look ahead for July.  Lots of cool shows coming up, including next week’s guest spot with Dave covering “Starship Troopers.”  I know that will be a great one to listen to.  Take care this week and enjoy the summer weather.