Podcast # 858 – “Tarantula” – 2204.10

This week Mark is guest hosting and covering the 1955 film, “Tarantula!.” I’m not a big fan of spiders so it’s good Mark is covering this one. Here are some comments from the man himself!

What’s Happening Everybody! This is Mark Daniels from the Great Pacific Northwest.  I’m back this week with another classic science fiction movie.  Today’s movie is a big-bug classic.  It’s Tarantula! from 1955.  It stars John Agar, Mara Corday and Leo G. Carroll.  It’s fun movie and I hope you all enjoy it!  Warning!  If you don’t like spiders, this movie ain’t for you. I’ll be back soon with another classic science fiction movie. Until then take care and stay strong! This is M-5 signing off…

Big thanks again to Mark for another great show! My hope and plan for next weekend is to do a vidcast on collectibles and some recent things I’ve gotten. Until next time, stay safe and enjoy your week ahead.