This week a special show featuring the “Journey to Wonder” podcast duo of Chris and Joe. They cover both “2001: A Space Odyssey” and “2010: Odyssey Two” in both books and movies. Here are some notes from them on this show.
This time on Journey to Wonder, we travel to Saturn (or is it Jupiter?) with Arthur C. Clarke’s 1968 sci fi novel, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Of course, you can’t talk about 2001 the book without talking about the seminal Stanley Kubrick film that was developed alongside the novel and released the same year.
In addition, we dive into the sequel novel, 2010: Odyssey Two and it’s 1984 film adaptation starring Roy Scheider (among many others!)
Big thanks to Joe & Chris for letting me share their show. Check them out on Libsyn here for more of their podcasts.
I’ll be here next week doing a classic style show featuring commentary on the TNG episode “Legacy.” Thanks for tuning in this week and enjoy your week ahead.
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