Podcast #935 – DISCO season 5 – 2406.02

This week I run down the fifth and final season of “Star Trek: Discovery.” Of course, as usual I talk about other recent TV and movies I’ve been watching and enjoying – some non-genre stuff too. Then I move on to DISCO.

Discovery has had a bit of a rocky ride and not thrilled all Trek fans but I’ve enjoyed it for the most part. Some things could have been done better (like using all the cast more) but overall if brought TREK back to TV. The final season I think has a good idea and premise and I enjoyed most of it. I run down the episodes briefly and talk about what I thought about each of them. I will mist the show and have to admit I got a bit teary during the last few minutes of the series.

Next week I will have a special interview show featuring folks who worked on the movie, “Space Command: Redemption” which should be a lot of fun. Until next time take care and enjoy your week.

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