“Star Trek Beyond” – first trailer

The first trailer (teaser?) has dropped for next summer’s next big, Trek film:  “Star Trek Beyond.”  Due out in July, 2016 and directed by Justin Lin & written by Simon Pegg and others, this looks to be quite an action filled film.  Mr. Pegg has also said recently that there is a solid Trek story and good character stuff as well and all that sounds great to me.  Here is the first look at this upcoming film.


“Star Trek: Continues – ‘Divided We Stand’

A brand new, Trek fan film has just been released by the excellent “Star Trek: Continues” team.  This is a great, classic style episode that has a great message and is very well produced.  My hat is off to this whole team again for their continuing this excellent work and giving us these classic stores set in the TOS era.  Well done!


“Star Trek: The Cruise” – Jan. 2017


The first ever, officially licensed Trek cruise is taking place in January, 2017.  A good group of guest stars (headlined by William Shatner) will be joining all the Trek fans that attend.  I’m really tempted to go on this since I’ve always wanted to try out a cruise and this looks to be a very special event.  Click HERE to learn more and book your dream cruise now.  Make it so!

“The White Iris”

A terrific new Trek fan film was put up about a week ago from the “Star Trek: Continues” team of amazing people.  This is really a great fan film and touches on a number of episodes from the original series too.  Check it out via the Vimeo viewer below or visit their webpage HERE to see this and other great episodes.  This is only their fourth episode so far and it might be the best one yet.  So, here is NEW “Star Trek” for everyone to enjoy – for free!


Project: Enterprise

There is an effort and fund raising campaign going on now to recreate a new model of the Motion Picture Enterprise filming model.  They are going to do it bigger and better than ever before.  Check the video out below and you can learn more about this cool project online HERE and also on Facebook HERE.  Looks to be a cool project and one that should be fun to watch as it proceeds.  Check it out!

“Star Trek: Renegades” – full trailer

The full trailer is now up for this Tim Russ (Tuvok) fan/pro film coming this summer (2015) called “Star Trek: Renegades.”  This movie boasts a stellar cast and looks to have very high production values.  Check out the trailer below and see what you think of this very cool look Trek fan/pro film.

Leonard Nimoy passes away

About a week ago we lost a true legend.  Leonard Nimoy or as he is known to geeks everywhere, Mr. Spock passed away.  He certainly made a lasting impression on me and helped shape the life and type of person I am.  I will certainly miss seeing him in future work and at conventions but I am so grateful to all he gave to us on “Star Trek” and all his other projects, photography and other work.  He will be truly missed by all.  I made a tribute video for him and you can check it out below.  Thanks for the memories Leonard.

Simpsons Trek

The Simpsons has always loved putting in gags from “Star Trek” on their show.  Last week they did something really special and did an entire credit sequence featuring images that used the characters in classic Trek scenes.  Very cool stuff and just goes to show how much everyone loves classic Trek still.  CBS – give us a new classic Trek style series!  PLEASE!