Podcast # 131: Space: 1999

This weekend’s podcast features a look at another true classic Sci-Fi TV show called, “Space: 1999.”

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This past week was a big one for us at home. We welcomed a new puppy into the house. Her name is Kaylee and she is a beautiful Golden Retriever. Needless to say, I’ll be a bit more tired the next couple of weeks, but she is worth it!

We have a new sponsor for the podcast this week. It’s Audible.com! They are kindly allowing all listeners to try out their great service and download a free audio book of your own choosing. They have a great selection of Sci-Fi books too! Click the link HERE and download a free book today and help support the podcast! Thanks!

Once more, this week I start off with some interesting news from both Trek and Star Wars. It seems Matt Damon has met with JJ Abrams but is saying that Abrams wants a much younger actor to play the young Kirk in the new film. We will have to see if these rumors are now finally being put to rest. We expect some big news next weekend from Comic Con in regards to the next Trek film.

The History channel’s Star Wars Legacy special is up for 3 Emmy Awards. That’s great news to me since it was such a great 2 hour special they put together.

James Earl sends us in some quick audio about the new “Flash Gordon” TV series starting next month on the SCI-FI channel in the States.

Also this week there is another great book review by the Duffster from Read More Sci-Fi. He covers the book, “Trek to Madworld.” Thanks for sending that in Duffster!

Don’t forget to take the Podcast Survey if you haven’t had time to yet. Please take a few minutes and take a look at it HERE.

Oh, and don’t forget to send in those audio intro’s for the podcast. Keep them about 15 – 30 seconds long at most. Send them to the show’s email at: treksf@gmail.com

Finally, we move on to the main topic for the week, the classic SF show, “Space: 1999.” A great show that I have very fond memories of.

The British made Sci-Fi show “Space: 1999” was the first live action and fairly big budget Sci-Fi show to come after “Star Trek” went off the air in 1969. It lasted only for two seasons and a total of 48 episodes. The basic premise is a nuclear explosion on the surface of the Moon blasts it out of Earth’s orbit and sends it hurtling through uncharted space in the year 1999. Over the course of the two season, Moonbase Alpha and her crew would encounter many strange planets with a variety of both friendly and hostile alien life. Martin Landau starred and his wife Barbara Bain was also on the show. This was a Gerry and Sylvia Anderson production who had produced other cool British shows that I love such as the “Thunderbirds.” Now occasionally this show (especially in the first season) got into sort of meta-physical areas and ideas. But it was always entertaining and well worth a look – especially if you have never seen it. The entire series is now all out on DVD. One cool thing they did with this show was film a short epilogue to it back in the real year 1999. This video can be found on You Tube HERE. Take a look if you want to find out the final word from the citizens of Moonbase Alpha.

There have been quite a few cool collectibles over the years from the “Space: 1999” series. I have one very nice Eagle vehicle that is diecast metal. It’s made by Product Enterprise Ltd. See more of their cool product offerings HERE. Click the picture below to see more of my Eagle pictures.

They are also coming out with in early 2008 with a cool Commlock and Stun Gun set also from this series. Click the picture below for more details on this great collectible set.

Think that should do it for this week. I’ll talk to you again next week!


  1. how can i subsribe to this site?

  2. It was the metaphysical aspects of Space:1999 that made it the very unique show it still is. Its stories had a depth that could be read between the lines, plus it had (and in many ways still does have) the best special effects and unique set designs of any sci fi show ever.