Podcast # 401 – Trek Games – 1209.09

This week as we warp into the 400’s of the podcast we have guest host Joe back with us to discuss a couple of classic Trek games.  He touches on some other stuff too, including some cool Trek news about the next movie.  So, here’s some more info from Joe himself about his guest spot this week:

Hi all! Joe here with episode 401 of Treks in Sci Fi. This week I’m excited to talk to you all about two great Star Trek PC games from the early 90’s, Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and Star Trek: Judgement Rites.
But first, this week has been pretty heavy with Trek news!
Saturday, September 8th is Star Trek’s 46th birthday. In recognition of this, Google put up a very cool interactive doodle on thier search page. If it’s gone by the time the show releases, you should be able to find it at http://www.google.com/doodles/
In movie news, The upcoming 2013 Trek movie got a name! We can now prepare to see Star Trek Into Darkness when it comes out next year. (http://trekmovie.com/2012/09/07/exclusive-star-trek-sequel-title-confirmed/)
Back to TV, it seems Michael Dorn is trying to get a new TV show off the ground called Star Trek: Captain Worf. We’ll see what develops there. (http://screenrant.com/star-trek-captain-worf-tv-show-michael-dorn/)
Finally, CBS announced the release date of the TNG season 2 blu ray set. t’ll be out December 5th. (http://tng.trekcore.com/bluray/09052012_s2initial.html)
Then on to the main topic, Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and Star Trek: Judgement Rites. I got into some detail about Trek gaming history, the gameplay and storylines in these two games ad try and reveal some interesting facts about them.
Thanks so much for doing this cool cast for this week Joe.  Make sure to check out Joe’s own podcast about classic computer game called the Umbcast – it’s very cool!  I’ll be back next weekend with a look at the first season TNG episode called:   “11001001″ (with some special comments related to the Blu-Ray version of this episode that I now own).  Take care until then and enjoy your week ahead.



  1. […] Check out the show notes and listen or download Treks in Sci Fi episode 401! […]

  2. […] Since I’m such a big fan of this series, I’ve got too much to say, so I forego the news except for one small item: Over the weekend I guest hosted Treks in Sci Fi episode 401. There I talk about two 90s Star Trek adventure games by Interplay. Check it out if you’d like! […]