More cool podcasts coming

I have updated the schedule again, listing more cool podcasts and subjects I will be covering in the weeks ahead.  I try to keep things fresh and mix up the various subjects and topics over the weeks.  Hopefully there will be some things that peak your interest.  I know I’m looking forward to continuing to cover the latest in Sci-Fi entertainment and Trek news as we enter the fall TV season.  Lots of good stuff ahead so I hope you stay tuned and listen each week to the “Treks in Sci-Fi” podcast!

Schedule update:

Sept. 13th: VOY – “Body & Soul”
Sept. 20th:  “Alien” films
Sept. 27th: Trek Fan Films (vidcast)
Oct.  4th:   ENT – “Singularity”
Oct. 11th:  “Free Enterprise” – guest cast w/Joe (billybob476)
Oct. 18th:  “Clone Wars” TV series
Oct. 25th:  “Frankenstein” & “Dracula”

LIVE 4th Anniversary Cast, 9/6/09

On Sunday, September 6, 2009, at 1pm eastern time I will be doing a live podcast to celebrate the 4th Anniversary of doing the “TREKS in SCI-FI” podcast.  This will be streamed live via Ustream, so make sure you have a free account there.  I will be talking about how the show has evolved and changed over the years, some Trek talk, contests, live call-in’s from friends of the show, and maybe even a cake!  So be there for this fun event as I celebrate the podcast and all the good friends I have made from doing this show just about every week for four years now.

Link to the Live Show:

Another Podcast Schedule Update

I have some fun stuff coming up during the next several weeks for the podcast.  I’d love to get lots of listener comments about these various subjects.  You can record a short 2-3 minute comment and email it to me anytime and I’ll save it to use on the appropriate show.  Those (and any other comments) all get sent to me at:  So, get ready for a fun summer of podcasts from “Treks in Sci-Fi.”

Schedule Update:

July  12th – Trek Animated Series
July  19th – Quantum Leap
July  26th – DS9 – “Little Green Men”
Aug.  2nd – “Back to the Future” Trilogy
Aug.  9th – TOS – “The Changeling”
Aug. 16th – Soundtrack Music

Schedule update (as of 8/10):

Aug. 16th –  Sci-Fi & Fantasy Soundtracks
Aug. 23rd –  Skype Chat (recorded on Sat., Aug. 22nd)
Aug. 30th –  Guest Cast – “Hitchhiker’s Guide”
Sept. 6th –  4th Anniversary LIVE show
Sept: 13th – VOY – “Body & Soul”

More podcasts coming = more fun!

Well, as the movie fervor dies down just a little it’s time to get back to more traditional “Treks in Sci-Fi” casts.  Of course, I will still keep everyone up to date on how the movie is doing, new product collectibles and all of that.  But there are a lot more big, summer films to come and new stuff on TV too.  Not to mention many more Trek episodes to cover.  So here’s an update to the podcast schedule.  And the guest cast in July is still open, so if you have a good idea for a show and want to take a crack at doing a podcast – just let me know.  Looking forward to bringing you a lot more fun and good times on “Treks in Sci-Fi” all summer long!

June 14th – Enterprise – “A Night in Sickbay”
June 21st – Fandom special
June 28th – TNG – “Qpid”
July   5th  – Batman
July  12th  – guest cast (open)

Also coming soon on the podcast:  “Quantum Leap” and the “Back to the Future” trilogy!

Need a website built?

Do you want your own piece of the internet?  Have you wanted to put up a blog or photo gallery all your own?  Just click on over to and check it out.  Since I’ve had several years of experience now building websites, podcasts, and generally keeping my hands in the tech world, I have decided to try building websites for others.  These can be small personal, custom websites or ones for a small business too.  I am flexible and will work with you to design a great spot for people to visit.  The costs are low but the results will be high.  Check out the site and let me know if you want your very own, customized piece of the internet!

Podcast Schedule Update!

Here’s a little update on what is upcoming for the podcast.  Lot’s of things to cover and happening right now – especially with the new movie out.  Really all kinds of coverage and things to talk about.  The following will cover the next few weeks, but is always subject to change.  Hope you stick around, lots more fun to come this summer!

May 17th – Skype call – recorded on May 17th at 12 noon Eastern time (movie chat)
May 24th – Vidcast – Motor City Comic Con 2009
May 31st – Voyager – “Inside Man”
June 7th –  Guest Cast (hopefully)

LIVE Pre-Movie Cast on May 3rd!

Doing a live, pre-movie part webcam cast on Sunday, May 3rd at 1pm, eastern daylight time.  Going to be talking about “Star Trek” – specifically the movies and where the franchise has been so far.  And also our hopes for the new movie and where we would like to see the franchise take us in the future.  Click the link below to join in the fun via Ustream.


Rico at Motor City Comic Con

The Motor City Comic Con is back this year, and it appears bigger than ever.  The dates are May 15-17th.  The big guest this year is Carrie Fisher. A lot of other guests will be there like:  Erin Gray, Gil Gerard, Tony Todd, Garrett Wang, James Cawley, Bruce Davison, Catherine Hicks, and many more.  I will probably be going on Saturday, May 16th.  Anyone in the nearby area that would like to come on over and meet up, let me know.  It’s a lot of fun and not too expensive.  You can learn more at:

Here’s some video I took last year for a videocast on the con I did:

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